Mini goldendoodle puppies for sale idaho will arrive April 2 to 6th. Sammie is due with red and white mini goldendoodle puppies soon. We are so excited to see what this match will bring us in puppies.
As you can see in the photo we were so bleased with the cutest reds and golds in our mini goldendoodle litter. These pups will all averaged 35lbs at adulthood and will have the doodle beard and wavy coats. It is easy to recognize a doodles4love mini goldendoodle puppy out and about. They are the ones that look up at you with dreamy eyes as if to say, Yes I am beautiful and you may love on me.
Cosmo is a happy gentle toy poodle with a fun outgoing personality to match his cute face. He is 10lb and his puppies have some of his red and cream markings on each one.